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There is a cemetery in Rochester, Minnesota, called Rosemont. 76 people were buried at Rosemont, but unfortunately, it's been lost. No one knows where it is. Some have an idea, but no one has ever found it.

What Is Rosemont Cemetery

Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Historical Society

Rosemont was the first cemetery for the Rochester State Hospital, Minnesota's second hospital "for the insane." Visit Quarry Hill and you're sure to have seen the second cemetery. On a sign there is says...

During its first year of operation a cemetery was laid out "at a distance of about 80 rods from the hospital building", Dr. Bowers wrote. "I selected a place on the north side of the railroad tracks in a beautifully shaded, quiet, and sequestered on high and dry ground with a warm southern exposure and hidden by trees." (CLICK IMAGE TO SEE FULL SIZE SIGN)


2nd State Hospital Cemetery information sign. (James Rabe)
2nd State Hospital Cemetery information sign. (James Rabe)

Also according to the sign, Simon Resch was the first person buried in the 'Rosemont Cemetery' on October 24, 1879 (just 10 months after the hospital opened). There would be 75 more buried there, 35 women and 40 men.

(James Rabe)
(James Rabe)

So What Is The Cemetery At Quarry Hill Then?

The site we now call the State Hospital Cemetery was additional land the hospital bought in 1885 (on the western slope of Quarry Hill). It is not lost, though it was in danger of being lost until citizens and businesses (and the state legislature) stepped in to make sure it was a permeant reminder of the people that passed while at the State Hospital.

But that is a story for another day...

State Hospital Dining Room (Minnesota Historical Society )
State Hospital Dining Room (Minnesota Historical Society )


A plot map of the cemetery does still exist. The cemetery was laid out north-to-south (approximately 110 ft x 50 ft) in 4 rows of 22 burial plots. Men were buried in the two rows on the left/west side (I and II) while women were buried in two rows on the right/east side (III and IV), which is opposite of the layout of the later Rochester State Hospital Cemetery (Women on the left/North side, men on the right/South).

I hope one day Rosemont will be found and a plaque honoring those buried there can be put up...if if they can find the money, headstones. Until then, it will remain Rochester's Lost Cemetery.

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know:

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.

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