Cornhole or Bags? What’s the Actual Name in Minnesota for the Popular Tailgating Game
Here's a fun question that has also been circulating around Rochester, Minnesota...what do we really call that game with the bean bags? Is it bean bags? Cornhole? Or a completely different name?
Do People in Minnesota Call the Popular Tailgating Game "Bags" or "Cornhole"?
A few years ago, I was introduced to this game that had 2 big boards with round holes in them and was told to try to throw a bag of corn in the hole. I was told at that point that the game was called "Cornhole" so that's what I've been calling it for years. I've lived in Minnesota this entire time and even heard other people call it "Cornhole". Lately though, I'm hearing more and more people refer to this popular tailgating game as "bags".
What do the experts say is the name of the popular tailgating game?
Here's a little bit of research that I found about the name of the game of bags that you throw in a hole:
- According to sbnation.com, this game has a ton of different names but they are saying that Minnesota and Iowa officially use the name "Cornhole". They even have a map that showcases the different names that are said throughout the states here.
- There is an American Cornhole Association and they even sell swag! See it all here.
Whether you call the game cornhole, corn hole toss, bag toss, bean bag toss, tailgate toss, baggo, or hillbilly toss, the rules for how to play this popular outdoor lawn game are the same. - playcornhole.com
Looks like the official name is "cornhole" but like playcornhole.com stated, whatever name you decide to call the game, the rules are all the same.
What do you call the popular tailgating game?
I'd love to hear your answer! Just send me a note on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio or check out the Facebook post below and add your vote to it.