To the Rochester, Minnesota Driver Who Almost Hit My Kid
To the Rochester, Minnesota Driver Who Almost Hit My Kid,
To the driver who almost hit my kid coming off the bus, you should be very thankful that I have a loud voice and screamed at her to stop walking. You didn't even see her...or apparently the big, flashing red lights or stop sign that was hanging out on the side of the bus.
What the heck is wrong with you? You almost hit my child.
There is nothing worse than being a parent and seeing your child walk off a bus, start to cross the street towards you and then...you see it. A car is speeding up the road, in the direction of your child and the bus, and you can tell it isn't going to stop. The stop sign is out on the bus, the lights are flashing, and still...the car isn't stopping.
That mom was me.
This is the time of year that makes me nervous for the kids and bus drivers. The Minnesota Sheriff's Association seems to feel the same way because this reminder was posted on their Facebook page a few years ago at the beginning of the school year.
Well, Minnesota...its that time of year again.
It shouldn't be difficult to figure out how to drive when seeing those big yellow boxes with bright flashing lights and stop signs. Yet each year, countless individuals blatantly disregard the law and the safety of children who are entering/exiting school buses.
So, here we are, forced to share the image below once again.Study it. Memorize it. Follow it. The lives of our youth could depend on it.
Please, plan a little extra time on the roads now that the school buses are out...and remember to stop, and be patient.
To That Driver That Almost Hit My Kid, You Know You Get Reported to the Cops, Right?
Oh, by the way, I absolutely love my kids' bus drivers. Every time that there has been an issue with another driver on the road, the bus driver gets the license plate and files a report. I was even a witness on the report for this specific driver.
When it comes to my kids, I turn into a full-on mama bear. You've been warned.

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Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
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