Does Anyone Know This Rochester Missed Connection Guy?
One year ago I posted this on Y-105FM and the author never contacted me. Maybe it was too close to a difficult time. A year has passed, I'm hoping he's ready to talk. Pass this along, OK?
On today's Craigslist Missed Connections I found the most amazing anti-Missed Connection...the guy (the post appears to have been removed) doesn't want to connect, in fact, he wants to make sure she knows how disconnected he wants to be...
Attractive woman in Hyundai CUV - m4w (SW Rochester)
I was the little red car following the burgundy Mazda with out of state plates who was obviously lost and confused due to the construction. You were in a newer, clean, charcoal gray Hyundai crossover utility vehicle.
Traffic was typical for 3:30 on a Thursday, lots of people scurrying around downtown with appointments and other business. When traffic finally opened up I passed the Mazda on the left and inadvertently cut you off.
I looked before changing lanes, but didn't realize you were doing 50 m.p.h. in a 40 zone (South Broadway), so I was a bit startled and amused when you laid on your horn for a full block while trying to see how close you could get to my rear bumper.
At the intersection by the entrance to the fairgrounds, adjacent to Andy's Liquors, you made a point to stop short of the light so you could give me the finger. Then you sped South one more block and turned towards Apache Mall onto 16th Street.
It's a shame, because I had noticed you as you were following me through downtown Rochester. You were thin, and attractive with brunette hair worn up in a bun, like maybe you just got done working out. You didn't have any visible jewelry on your petite hands wringing the top of the steering wheel while you rode my bumper, which supports the workout theory.....or maybe you are just one of thousands of nurses who don't wear jewelry to work.
Either way, I thought you were beautiful. That is until you acted like an irate bi--h. Now I think you are an ugly pig. Way to ruin your pristine image. Try to have a better day today.
If you're out there, RoadRager, please, get in touch. I would love to hear your side of this story. My email is james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM