First Filing For Hagedorn Seat

St Paul (KROC AM News) - The first person to file for the late Congressman Jim Hagedorn’s seat is listed as a Republican.
Filing Tuesday was Bob "Again" Carney.
He challenged Jason Lewis in the US Senate primary in 2020 and lost.
Filings for the seat will be accepted through March 15. The special election for the seat will be held on Aug. 9th. If a primary is needed, it is scheduled for May 24th.
Hagedorn died in Rochester on Feb. 17th from kidney cancer.
There will be two visitations for Hagedorn this week.
One is scheduled for Friday from 5 - 7:00 pm at Patton Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Blue Earth. The second is scheduled for Saturday from 9:00 - noon at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Truman. His funeral and burial will be private.
Meanwhile, Hagedorn's staff is still available for constituency services:
The Washington, DC, office and the district offices of former Representative Jim
Hagedorn will continue to serve the people of the First Congressional District of Minnesota under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Representative Hagedorn passed away on February 17, 2022. Staff members of Representative Hagedorn remain on the House payroll under the supervision of the Clerk of the House to receive and undertake constituent casework, to help in handling business with the departments of the executive branch of the government, to provide general status information on pending legislation and to offer other general constituent services provided by House offices. The Clerk of the House is Cheryl L. Johnson. The Washington, DC, office and the Minnesota district offices are presently open on a daily basis to accommodate congressional business. Under House Rules, the Clerk manages the offices when a Member dies, resigns, or is expelled. This authority, which does not include voting representation, continues until a successor is elected to fill the vacant seat. This is the tenth vacancy to occur during the 117th Congress. Thirteen vacancies occurred in the 116th Congress.
The Washington office is located in 1433 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515, telephone (202) 225-2472. Mail addressed to the First Congressional District of Minnesota will be delivered through the internal House mail distribution system.
The district offices are located at 11 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 301, Mankato, MN 56001; and 1530 Greenview Drive SW, Suite 207, Rochester, MN 55902. Requests for further details should be directed to the Office of the Clerk (202) 225-7000.
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