For the Right Bid, You Can Push the Button to Blow Up Trump Plaza Casino
Trump Plaza Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey is slated to come crumbling down on Jan. 29, 2021, and if you are willing to ante up for charity, you could be the one to push the demolition button.

Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small is auctioning off the right to blow up one of President Trump’s former casinos in the heart of the Atlantic City Boardwalk.
The demolition of the shuttered casino's remains will become a fundraiser to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City that Mayor Small hopes will raise more than $1 million.
“Some of Atlantic City’s iconic moments happened [at Trump Plaza], but on his way out, Donald Trump openly mocked Atlantic City, saying he made a lot of money and then got out,” Mayor Marty Small told the AP. “I wanted to use the demolition of this place to raise money for charity.”
The Boys & Girls Club has hired a professional auction company to solicit bids from Thursday through Jan. 19, when the top bids will be revealed and a live auction will determine a winner.
Opened in 1984, Trump’s former casino was closed in 2014 and has fallen into such a state of disrepair. For the last few years, pieces of the façade have been seen blowing off the building on windy days. Demolition work has been underway most of the year..
Trump cut most ties with Atlantic City in 2009 aside from a 10% fee for the use of his name on the three casinos he once owned in the city. Billionaire Carl Icahn took ownership of the company out of bankruptcy court in February 2016.
If you have the money and you're interested in what the auction company calls a "once in a lifetime opportunity to bid on the right to push the button to implode Trump Plaza", here's how they say it will work.
This will be done remotely and can be done anywhere in the world as well as close to the Plaza as we can safely get you there! All Proceeds of this auction will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City, NJ. Even since the start of this pandemic they have seen an increase of young children and adolescents benefit from the services of The Boys & Girl Club and are in need of all the assistance they can get for the community. This will be a live broadcasted sale so we hope to see you on sale day and start the year with a Bang!