Get Your Fishing License at The National Trout Center
Have you visited The National Trout Center? Located at 120 St. Anthony South in Preston, this wonderful environmental learning center offers lectures, family activities and educational programs pertaining to "all things trout". I recently learned from the Trout Center's office assistant, Annie Lewis, that they also offer fishing licenses and trout stamps. If you need a trout stamp or fishing license, stop by The National Trout Center during their business hours Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Using the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources web site, the Trout Center staff will happily assist you with the application process and print your license or stamp right there on the spot at no additional charge to you! What a great service they provide! While there, check out their schedule of events including Fly Flying Friday, every Friday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Coming up Sunday June 25 at 2 p.m., free movie "The Lorax" with popcorn and root beer floats! For more information about any of their services and coming events, visit their web site here or check their Facebook page TheNationalTroutCenter.