Good Samaritan Anonymously Pays Vet Bill for Cat Saved by Boy
A good Samaritan has stepped forward and anonymously donated enough money to cover a vet bill for a cat saved by a boy in Camden, NY
Jayden Rattray and his grandmother Karen were on their way home when they noticed the cat in the road. They stopped and moved it to the side but Jayden asked if he could go back and pick her up. "I wasn't going to just let it sit there. I couldn't do that," he said.
When Jayden brought the cat back to the car they noticed her back leg was bleeding. "It looked like she was hit by a car," said Karen, who called the local vet while they waited for police to arrive. "The vet told us unless we were willing to take financial responsibility they couldn't help."
Jayden refused to leave the cat to die, holding her in his arms for two hours. Karen made several calls and finally found a place to get the cat some help. "Clinton Pet Vet told us if we could get the cat to them, they would take care of her," Karen said. "They didn't have to take the cat. And they covered the bill until we decided to pay for it."
Although Jayden was upset to let the cat go, he called the vet everyday to check on her status. "He even offered to pay for the vet bill with his own money," said Karen.
Someone else came forward to pay the bill for the cat Jayden has named Lucky. "She is back with us for more wound care so the charges are still accumulating, but that’s huge," said Cindy Siddon of Clinton Pet Vet.