How's your New Year's resolution going? We're a week in now, and just a few days away from 'quitter's day.' That's when the majority of people give up on their New Year's resolution. It happens on the second Friday of January. It's when people have just burned out from their resolutions and after a full long week of work, the temptation is just too much!

I'm cautiously optimistic I'll make it through this weekend with my New Year's Resolution. Mine was to try to complete Dry January. If you've never heard of it, it's giving up alcohol for the month of January.

It's been going pretty good so far. The first few days were the hardest, including the first weekend of 2025. I treated myself this weekend with trying some non-alcoholic beverages including ones I didn't know existed from Wild State Cider, made right in Duluth, Minnesota.

Wild State Offers THC 'Birdie' Line Of

Wild State has been expanding in recent years and they've been offering a variety of great ciders distributed across the Midwest and even beyond. My favorite has always been the Wild Apple, but I also like the Classic Dry, Raspberry Hibiscus, Apple Pie, and many more. They've got so many!

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So when I saw that they offered a THC, alcohol-free beverage, it was a no-brainer to give it a try. It's called Birdie!

Wild State Cider
Wild State Cider

The first one I tried was the Tea Lemonade 10 mg THC beverage. It tasted like an Arnold Palmer but instead of getting a boozy buzz, in about 20 minutes I could feel the calm come over me. I had one beverage for the evening and the effects lasted somewhere around an hour after I finished. It as refreshing, tasty, and the best part - no hangover!

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How to try THC beverages for the first time.

So Wild State Cider has a nice FAQ section about the drinks to help educate consumers. The THC is hemp-derived delta 9 THC. If you drink it, and you're drug tested, it will likely show up, so make sure you can consume the beverages and not get in trouble with your employer. It's completely legal under federal hemp laws, and recreational cannabis use is legal in Minnesota, anyway.

Wild State Cider
Wild State Cider

Start slow, drink slow.

If you've never had a THC drink, you should opt for the lower dosage 5 mg options, like the Spiced Apple. It's half as powerful as some of the others that come in 10 mg. Sip it slow and take your time. You should feel the effects within 15-30 minutes. Just take it easy. Everyone's body processes cannabis differently.

New Flavors Coming In 2025

Wild State says they have some new flavors coming out this year to keep an eye out for. They're also hiring right now for sales in the Twin Cities Metro area for their Wild State Cider and Birdie sales representatives if you're interested. (It does not sound like a bad gig at all!)

Currently, they offer Spiced Apple, Tropical Green Tea, Tea + Lemonade, Wild Berry Lemonade, Blood Orange Hibiscus, and Honey Lemonade. All of them are 10 mg THC except for Wild Berry Lomande and Spiced Apple which are 5 mg.


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