My wife is very sick with Covid 19. She is not hospitalized, thank God, but home resting. My super-woman who ran 6 marathons is pretty much unable to get out of bed.
This is the second time she caught the virus, and the symptoms are worse than the first time she became ill during the summer of 2022. And yes, Laurie has gotten all her vaccines and boosters, and she still feels like crap. I'm holding my breath (literally) and wearing a mask around the house, hoping I don't catch this thing, but it's probably just a matter of time.
Chances are you know someone who is infected and our personal story may line up with what you're hearing. Although not as severe as the first strain of Covid back in 2020, the current EG.5 variant is no party. It's is a descendant of the Omicron strain of the virus, and not as severe as the original Alpha and Delta versions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But that doesn't mean it's pleasant.
My wife started feeling a tickle in her throat on Sunday, and by Monday she was flat on her back. She had a tough time just getting up off the sofa. Chills and hot flashes, frequent coughing and severe congestion. A voice that sounded a little like Darth Vader. Not much of an appetite but trust me, this is an unpleasant way to lose weight.

Wear a Mask in Crowded Spaces
We were at a crowded event Friday evening, maybe 150 people in a relatively small space with poor ventilation. We suspect that is where Laurie caught the bug, but we don't know for sure. Only a handful of people were wearing masks. They were the smart ones.
Treat the Symptoms
At the risk of shilling for major pharmaceutical companies, we've had pretty good luck with Mucinex Sinus Max, to ease the congestion and coughing. Your results may vary, and you may have your own favorite home remedy, but having orange juice, Gatorade and other liquids around the house has helped.
Keep Testing
I had to go out and replenish my stock of Covid tests, and here's the thing: Even though Laurie felt awful Sunday and Monday, the test didn't show a positive result until Tuesday afternoon. Experts say the virus has to reach a specific threshold in your body to start showing up as a positive test result. If you feel awful and you're still testing negative there's a good chance you have Covid, and it will eventually show up as a positive.
Sign Up for a Booster Shot
I go to Walgreen's and it was easy signing up online to get a vaccine booster shot next Monday. This time around the federal government isn't subsidizing shots, so you may have to pay out of pocket. Money well spent in my humble opinion.
My dear, sickly wife is calling so I need to wrap this up. My final takeaway:
We are all so over Covid. But the virus isn't over us. Not yet. Take common-sense precautions, test frequently, consider masking in crowded indoor spaces and maybe sign up for a vaccine booster shot? It can't hurt.
I'm going to eventually catch the virus (again) and I want to minimize the symptoms as much as possible. That's why I'll be getting a jab early next week. One day at a time.
Good luck out there.
Celebrities That Had COVID
Gallery Credit: Shannon Holly