See the Hilarious Message an Illinois Homeowner Put on Their Roof
Never underestimate the sense of humor of an Illinoisan. Don't believe me? You need to see a message one homeowner near Chicago put on their roof over 15 years ago that is directed at pilots, airline passengers and satellites. It's special.

Kudos to the New York Post for this catch. It's something you can see on Google Maps/Google Earth for yourself. Zoomed out, this is the location on the map where you want to look.
It's when you zoom in that it gets interesting. Note: make sure you turn on "satellite" view in the bottom left of your screen.
Once you zoom in, you'll see this 'helpful' advice the homeowner left for anyone above that tried to spy on him/her. You can go to Google Maps and see that I'm not making this fun stuff up.
Since I love my wife and respect women, I will not give you the same advice, but I fully appreciate the sense of humor of this Illinois person. When you live that close to Lake Michigan, sometimes the Great Lakes water can make your sense of humor more "salty". Perhaps that's on display here. All I can say is well done Illinois homeowner. Your roof painting skills are unrivaled.