Shoplifting is a huge problem.  In fact, the latest stat shows that more than one out of five people have shoplifted. 


Sometimes, people shoplift on purpose.  Like my mom, when she stole grape gum when she was a kid. FYI, not a good choice to start chomping on that in the car after your parents told you "no, you can't have grape gum".  It is very potent! 

Sometimes it is by accident.  Like when my mom lifted toilet paper a few weeks ago from a store.  She called me in a panic once she realized what she did - it was on the bottom of her cart and she completely forgot about it while she was self-checking herself.  Don't worry...the situation was resolved and no arrest was necessary.

Grocery stores and department stores are the easiest to steal from and 90% of shoplifters have stated they are committing this crime due to inflation. 

If you happen to see a police car in front of Target, there is a good chance it is due to shoplifting.  And below are the top 15 items that are being stolen from the Minnesota-based store the most.

READ MORE: Minnesota Alert! 10 Items To Remove From Your Wallet Now

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15 Items That Are Stolen the Most From Target Stores in Minnesota

Full Disclosure:  I used to be a manager at a retail store that was affiliated with Target.  We knew who the regular shoplifters were and our security team knew their names and had files on them.  And there were cameras in places I, as a manager, didn't even know about.

According to, Target is the not the store you want to shoplift from:

Essentially, if you steal at any Target, anywhere in the country, they're quite possibly building up a case against you. So if by chance you have the urge to shoplift, keep yourself safe and avoid Target at all costs. -


If you haven't been caught yet and you think you are getting away with it, they may have you on camera for your other stealing adventures already and your file is just getting thicker.  Target has one of the top-rated forensic labs and as you steal, they let you rack up the amount.  You might think you are getting away with it but Target is just luring you into a well-deserved grand larceny charge.

15 Items People Shoplift The Most From Target Stores

Target may have the best clearance but according to, this popular store also has quite a few items that people love to steal as well.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

List of Gangs in Minnesota in 2024

From the heart of Minneapolis to the quiet outskirts, gangs have shaped our local vibe in more ways than one. According to, the following gangs were reported in the state of Minnesota in 2024.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio