If it is a holiday, be warned...that is now the only time we get snow in Minnesota.

  • Halloween.  Check.
  • Valentine's Day.  Check. 
  • Christmas Ok, that was the one holiday where we expected to see the fluffy, white snow on the ground but Mother Nature let us down.
  • St. Patrick's Day.  We shall see!

Unfortunately, when that snow falls, cars start spinning and sliding and cause accidents.  It is a given in Minnesota.  Well, one of those accidents from the Valentine's Day snowfall was caught on camera and as you watch the video, I can almost guarantee you'll ask yourself, "How did that person hit that car?".  And...then you will watch it again because you still can't believe it happened.

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The Valentine's Day snowfall caused almost 500 accidents in Minnesota

We know extra caution needs to happen when snow and ice are on the roads.  That is a no-brainer in Minnesota.  Accidents can still happen even when we are being cautious.  According to KROCNews.com, almost 500 crashes were reported from the snow that fell in Minnesota on Wednesday and Thursday.

#MSPNumbers Statewide 7 am 2/14/23 to 1 pm 2/15/23: 471 crashes (32 with injury, 2 serious/fatal) & 381 veh spin out/off road and 14 jackknifed semis. - @MSPPIO on Twitter

However, one accident that has people talking is one that happened near Hwy 169 and I-494.

Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash
Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

Caught on Camera: Vehicle Smashes Into Stopped Law Enforcement Vehicle in Minnesota

One of the accidents that happened this week was caught on video and makes you wonder if someone was truly paying attention as they were behind the wheel.  Out of all the cars that are stopped on a road, a law enforcement vehicle is NOT the one you want to hit (especially as everyone else is avoiding it).

The Reactions on X (Twitter) Are Saying What Everyone Is Thinking

I had a few thoughts in my head as I watched this accident happen.  I didn't tweet them but quite a few others have jumped on to share their thoughts.  Here are a few of the best.


11 Items You Should NEVER Buy at a Minnesota Dollar Store

$1.25 sounds like a great price, but is it a great value for these products? According to several major publications, no.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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