I came across this home for sale in Lanesboro, Minnesota that looks beautiful. But when I first looked at it I thought it was built awhile ago.

The outside looks kind of like a refurbished barn or something. Like someone took a huge barn, spruced it up a bit, and turned it into this home. But that's actually not the case!

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Home for Sale in Lanesboro, MN with Amazing Views

This home that's for sale was built just last year but was clearly made to look like a barn in some ways. It totally fits the area that this home was built, I mean, the property is 19.5 acres. Having a home that looks like a barn totally fits.

It sits up on a hill and has huge windows so the views are amazing. The inside is very updated, sleek, and there are some bold design choices that I love!

There are 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and it's just over 3,000 sqft. Like I said, it's on 19.5 acres plus it's got an actual barn on the property that's from 1911. This cool house is on the marking for a whopping $1,395,000. Yep, quite expensive. But seriously, it's so pretty, check it out.

Beautiful, New Home for Sale in Lanesboro, MN Looks like a Barn

There's an amazing home for sale in Lanesboro, Minnesota. It's brand new but the way it was constructed makes it look kind of like a barn from the outside. It also has awesome views.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross

Minnesota Home for Sale Comes with Personal Go-Cart Track and Bowling Alley

This Minnesota home for sale not only is on a beautiful lake, it also has some sweet amenities like a personal go-cart track and bowling alley.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross