A complete stranger gave me a really nice compliment when I least expected it, and he didn't know how much I needed it in that very moment.

I've always been extremely critical of my entire being.  Recently, I was stressing about an outfit I had to wear, and one stranger's comment turned my world upside down.

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How A Rockford Cyclist's Compliment Made My Entire Day

About a week ago, I was getting ready to interview Teddy Swims at the Hard Rock Casino in Rockford and couldn't find an outfit that I vibed with.

Finally, I settled with a sweater tank, blue jeans, combat boots, and mismatched earrings.  I love jewelry, so the earrings had to be crazy for the occasion!

As I'm driving to the Hard Rock, my windows are down, I pull up to a stoplight, and start overthinking my entire outfit.  Then, a man on a bicycle stops next to my passenger window.

He said, "Cool car!"

I said, "thanks!"

Me thinking that was the end of the conversation....

Then, he says, "I like your earrings, too. Those are awesome."

This random stranger on a bicycle just made my day.

It made me feel so damn good.  One small compliment on something I put so much time into "perfecting" really did pay off because someone else acknowledged it.


Read More: To the Guy Who Wouldn't Leave Me Alone at a Rockford Bar 

This guy didn't have to say a word to me.  He could've biked off in silence.  I could've had my windows rolled up.  The universe was giving me a sign and I 100% believe that.

So, thanks to the Rockford man who went out of his way to show kindness for a split second at a stoplight; my confidence skyrocketed.  Kindness goes a very long way, and you never know how it'll impact someone's entire life.

And if you're wondering... yes, I killed that interview!

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Gallery Credit: Various

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