Lukewarm: The question of who Luke is remains unanswered and why his personality appears so uninspiring. Could Lukewarm also be from Rockford, one never knows.
The word lukewarm appears most frequently when describing undesirable situations such as coffee that sits between hot and cold in an unappealing temperature. But where did this word come from? And more importantly, who is Luke? Did Luke's repeated letdowns cause his name to become a symbol of average performance? Let’s investigate.

Lukewarm: The Origin Story
The term lukewarm does not originate from a person named Luke who was indecisive. The word originates from Middle English where luke described temperatures that were neither hot nor cold but tepid and mild. When you combine warm with lukewarm you create the perfect representation of indifference.

So… Who Is Luke?
Good news: The word does not involve any real person named Luke who suffered during its creation. The name Luke’s connection to lukewarm is simply coincidental despite entertaining fantasies about medieval Luke serving lackluster soup. The name Luke does not represent any specific individual although everyone with that name now faces jokes about their lukewarm-sounding name.

Why We Use It Today
The term lukewarm extends beyond describing an unsatisfactory coffee experience. The word lukewarm also describes unenthusiastic responses such as receiving a tepid laugh after telling a joke ("Wow, thanks for the lukewarm response, Karen."). It’s the universal word for meh.

You should feel grateful the next time something turns out to be merely average because you didn't get named after it. Though your name remains connected to letdowns we still value you Lukes of the world.


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Gallery Credit: Dave Alan