Wednesday night, the Lanesboro Student Body hosted a fundraising dinner for the Honor Flight Network. The event included a meal to fundraise, information about the Honor Flight Program, and to just honor those who have served our country.

To begin the program, the Lanesboro high school choir sang the national anthem before there were two moments of reflection - one for those who are currently serving, and one for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

The way this fundraising event was spearheaded was by a pair of students- Byrnn Howerton and Coy Pederson. After what was maybe a ten-minute meeting to start things, things got going and all of a sudden there were 40 volunteers to get this together. Coy said it best, how he really wanted to "give back" as opposed to what he often sees of this youth as the "me" generation.

Freedom Honor Flight, based out of La Crosse, is an affiliate of the national Honor Flight Network. May 6th will be the 19th trip to Washington, D.C., as the veterans get to see the war memorials and visit the Arlington National Cemetery.

The honorees at the head table, who will be going on the flight include: Alvin Darling, Duane Erickson, Richard Fuller, Curtis Hall, Duane Hungerholt, Dennis Nepstad, Gordon Nepstad, Jerry Olson, James Ostrem, Gerald Parker, and Robert Thompson. We thank you all for your service!

If you want to find out more about it, or find out how you can help, visit

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