Level 3 Offender Now in Rochester to Intensive Supervised Release
In accordance with Minnesota’s Community Notification Act, the Rochester Police Department is releasing information regarding Kevin Tyrone Williams, a Level 3 predatory offender.
Court records show Kevin Williams engaged in two separate incidents of sexual contact against known, adult female victims. Contacts included penetration. Williams used force, violence, and threats to maintain control.
His new address is the 100 block of 7th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901 as of July 15, 2022.

According to State of Minnesota records, Williams is being assigned to the Intensive Supervised Release (ISR) Program. The state describes it this way,
This statewide program provides intensive supervision for the highest-risk individuals. Supervision includes four face-to-face contacts weekly, electronic home monitoring, mandatory work or school, daily curfews, mandatory restitution, and random drug testing
ISR Program Facts
- Established in 1990 (M.S. §244.12-244.15) and applies statewide.
- About 1,200 persons are served quarterly on ISR across Minnesota.
- ISR costs about $20 per day, per offender.
- GPS monitoring costs an additional $6.90 - $7.20 per day, per offender.
- Traditional probation and supervised release costs about $4 per day, per offender.
- The DOC FY20 ISR budget was $4.578 million. $4.030 million was allocated in FY20 for grants to local entities to provide ISR.
- Download the ISR fact sheet here (PDF).
From the Rochester Police Department:
- Convicted predatory offenders have always been released to live in our communities, but it was not until the passage of the Registration Act of 1991 that law enforcement had a right to know an offender’s residence or track their moves after his/her initial release from custody. With the passage of the Community Notification Act, law enforcement now may share information with the public about many of these offenders.
- Further information may be found at the Minnesota Department of Corrections Public Registrant Search at https://coms.doc.state.mn.us/publicregistrantsearch, or you may contact the Minnesota Department of Corrections, Risk Assessment and Community Notification unit at Phone: 651-361-7340 or 866-396-9953 or email at notification.doc@state.mn.us.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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In entirely different news...did you know people still do this?
They do and it's awesome (and reminds me of this couple that got engaged at the MN State Fair last year).