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If you're the Top Noodle Tester you can grab the $10,000 salary, a mentorship with the world's most popular ramen noodle CEO, and 50 years worth of Top Ramen. That's definitely a SOUPer job.

The company that makes Top Ramen, Nissin Foods, is turning 50 and looking for a Chief Noodle Officer. It sounds easy, but you'll have to taste and give feedback on all that ramen. If you can handle THAT part, keep reading.

Get into the running to get what sounds like a legit opportunity to impress a major corporation CEO (Nissin CEO Mike Price) by posting a photo of your favorite Top Ramen creation on social media. Include the recipe, tag it with Original Top Ramen and hashtag that mamma-jamma with #howdoyoutopramen.

Not done yet. You actually have a few steps to go. Send a link to that social media post with a 3-5 sentence cover letter, to Use those few sentences to make them remember you as the most passionate noodler ever.

Official Per List:

  • $10,000 pay day
  • 50 year supply of assorted Top Ramen®
  • Chance to taste new Top Ramen products before they hit store shelves
  • Seal of approval as Top Ramen innovator from Top Chef, Melissa King
  • One-to-one mentorship with Nissin Foods president and CEO, Mike Price
  • Serious bragging rights and an “instant” resume boost

So get on the stick, Minnesota! Do you have to buy Top Ramen to enter? No, of course not. BUT, you DO have to be at least 18 and have to all of the above by 11:59 PM this October 30th (pacific gotta figure the time change, I'm crappy at that).

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