Minnesota’s Land O’Lakes Removes ‘Butter Maiden’ From Logo
Did you notice something missing last time you bought Land O'Lakes butter? I didn't...but lately I've been thinking about other stuff. You probably have, too.
Back in February, Land O'Lakes debuted a new label and no one noticed until just now. According to Modern Farmer...
Dairy co-operative Land O’Lakes has removed the image of a Native American woman from its butter packaging. The co-op’s logo depicted a Native American woman, kneeling on a mound of grass, holding a package of butter—an image that critics have said is offensive.
Compare 'em yourself.
The press release didn't mention anything about the butter maiden, and I'll be honest here, that's fine with me. I'm sure some people will think this is another reason to be outraged...most though may just think, "Huh." The Coronavirus pandemic might have helped us all rearrange some priorities and not get so upset when a business makes a business decision.

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