Modified Free Meal Program in Rochester
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Channel One and Rochester Public Schools Monday announced a collaboration with Olmsted County to distribute prepared meals and meal kits at Graham Park.
This partnership allows families to receive multiple meals for the week in one location. There is no sign up necessary, and visitors will receive prepared meals for each individual in the household, plus five days’ worth of meal kids per child in the household.
Due to overwhelming response on the first distribution day, the District and Channel One have made these modifications to enhance the distribution process:
- A larger quantity of prepared meals and meal kits.
- A change to the entrance of Graham Park. Visitors will now enter off 16th Street SE. This will allow for two lines to form, and better vehicle queuing.
- Two traffic lines will form with distribution to occur at two separate buildings at Graham Park.
This is a drive-through distribution. Recipients are asked to follow these new steps to ensure a smooth and safe operation:
Enter Graham Park at off of 16th Street SE. Please refer to the traffic flow map.
One line will enter the Industrial Building (Building #35) from the north end. The other line will enter Building 1419, directly across from the Industrial Building. There will be directional signage and/or individuals to direct the flow of traffic. Please refer to the traffic flow map. If able, please open/unlock the trunk or leave a seat open where the meal kit can be placed.
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, distribution will occur Tuesday.
Regular distributions will continue through the end of December every Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to noon. There are no income requirements to receive these meals.
Now that schools have transitioned to distance learning, households need more solutions and access to food so that children at home do not have to go without. Channel One Regional Food Bank is not only responding with prepared meals, but also home delivery of groceries, and waived limits on food shelf visits.
Prepared Meals
With six pickup locations for prepared meals in Rochester and surrounding areas, Channel One aims to increase its reach and get food into areas where need is greatest. Locations for prepared meal pickups can be found at There is no sign up necessary, and visitors will receive two prepared meals per individual in the household.
Channel One Regional Food Bank’s prepared meals program is funded with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using funds from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), CFDA 21.019.
Rochester Public Schools Meals
RPS Student Nutrition Services will now be offering a meal kit pick-up for all children 0-18 years old regardless of meal price eligibility. Students do not need to be enrolled at RPS to receive free meals. Children can receive one meal kit each week. Meal kits will consist of heat and serve and ready–to-eat entrees, fruits and vegetables, and milk. Instructions for storage and preparation will be available online. No pre-registration or paperwork is required. RPS meals will be offered from 10:00 a.m. to noon on November
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