Rochester Restore Mini-Haul – You Gotta See These Pictures

Usually "haul" stories are about a ton of stuff, but this one is only two items. Two finds that saved me a ton of money as I look to buy furniture for an apartment I'm moving into. And I just want to make sure you know about The Rochester Area ReStore to benefit Habitat for Humanity.
I wasn't planning on buying anything today. I've been shopping all the local furniture stores, know pretty much what I want, but will have to save up a bit first. So, now I'm going back to my old ways, 'thrifting!'
I need a bed and a couch. And when I walked in, I almost immediately found this chair.
Look at that up close. Its in great shape.
You know what the price was? Don't bother guessing, because you won't get it. $35. I wasn't looking for a chair, I wasn't even looking to buy anything today, I WAS JUST LOOKING, but I like the chair, and $35? Boom, "on hold, thank you very much hands off everyone!" (That's how you do it, you fill out an on hold slip, swap it on the thing for the price tag, and take that up to the register).
OK, stay on task, James. A couch and a bed...and you're JUST LOOKING! No more buying. What...that's a bed...a queen size and kinda fancy looker, too. It comes with the head and foot board, rails, and the laticey things for under the box spring? Nice.
I'm just looking, tho. So I go up closer, to inspect. A hundred dollars? BAM! "On hold suckas!"
So, if you're keeping track, a fairly new, in great shape bed and a comfy chair and ottoman and my bill is $135. I'm going to be getting other furniture, too, but today, I won at the restore!
What is ReStore? It's a place that helps Rochester's Habitat for Humanity...
We invite you to join us in supporting a used building supply outlet in our community. Rochester can use a place where community members can…
Donate their used building supplies when remodeling, instead of adding to the growing burden of garbage and waste.
Purchase home improvement items at 50-90% off retail prices. Help other families to have simple, decent, and affordable homes, just by shopping at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
What other kinda things do they have?
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.