CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Rochester UPS Driver Jumping Around (WATCH)CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Rochester UPS Driver Jumping Around (WATCH)Need a smile today? A UPS driver in Rochester was caught on camera doing his job but also bringing a few smiles to kids as he did some jumping.Jessica WilliamsJessica Williams
Olmsted County Sheriff Deputies and Local School Mascots Go Viral With Recreation of Famous PhotoOlmsted County Sheriff Deputies and Local School Mascots Go Viral With Recreation of Famous PhotoThe better question really is...who made the better pose - the Byron Bear, the Stewartville Tiger, the Dover-Eyota Eagle, or the Olmsted County Sheriff Deputies?Jessica WilliamsJessica Williams
A Quesadilla Food Wagon Open On Main Street in StewartvilleA Quesadilla Food Wagon Open On Main Street in StewartvilleFirst a food wagon at the Apache Mall parking lot, now right on Main Street in Stewartville!James RabeJames Rabe