Weapons Incident Presentation By Fillmore County Sheriff
The Fillmore County Sheriff's Office will hold a "permit to carry before, during and after a weapons incident" presentation Thursday April 13 at 7 p.m. at the Fillmore County Office Building in Preston. Sheriff Kaase states that he "would like to better educate our citizens on what to do if you're involved in an incident involving a weapon". This is not a permit to carry class. It is a presentation to help permit holders, or those thinking of getting a permit, better understand the consequences of using or not using their weapon during an incident. The presentation will be moderated by Fillmore County Sheriff's Firearms Instructor Jason Harmening and Sheriff Kaase. This is a free event and open to adults aged 21 years or older. Call 507-765-2843 to make the required reservation.
Sheriff Kaase notes that in 2016 the FCSO issued 345 permits to carry and renewed 48 permits to carry. This was an increase from 2015 with 209 permits to carry and 45 renewals issued.