Yesterday, I had one goal in mind - write 2 happy and joyful stories that would bring smiles to a lot of people.   #1 was about Hurts Donut Co. coming to Rochester and #2 was about the Rochesterfest parade tentatively scheduled for October.  I'm super excited for both of these things and thought it would bring smiles to everyone.  Boy, was I wrong!

I had a little 'ol internet observation yesterday.  You can watch the video here...

Here are a few tips just in case you are needing a guide of when to provide feedback online - emails, Facebook messages, comments on social media posts, etc.:

  • Don't need to provide a comment - How a woman looks in a video. If she asks, yes.  If she doesn't, it is NEVER needed.  I have never told anyone they look horrible or "still fat" in a picture and yet people feel the need to say that to me. #HonestTruth  #ItHasHappened
  • Don't need to provide a comment - when you dislike what someone is eating or where they are eating.  They are happy about their choice.  Don't rain on their parade with your negative words just because you have different taste.  (Bacon in general and salads from Chick-fil-A tend to be huge triggers for people...FYI. )
  • Do provide a comment - if someone is asking for helping making a decision.  This is usually done in the form of a question or with the words "Looking for a recommendation".
  • Do provide a comment - when it encourages someone else.  Before hitting "send" or the enter button, ask yourself if your words will bring a smile to someone else or sadness.  If it is sadness, wait, rethink your decision, and try again.
  • Do provide a comment - if you would be willing to have the same conversation with someone in person, face-to-face.
  • Do not provide a comment - if you are NOT willing to have the same conversation with someone in person, face-to-face.

Now, let's get back to the happy stuff.  What's your favorite, positive story, quote, or photo that you saw this week on the internet?  Let me know by sending me a message on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio or on Instagram at Jessica On The Radio.  (and if you feel the need to send me hate mail or write something towards me in the comments that falls in the "Do NOT" categories you need a hug?"

 Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams.

See New Words Added to in 2020

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