Here’s a quick heads-up for any and all stargazers around Southeast Minnesota; a ‘dazzling’ meteor shower is expected to be on full display this weekend. You may want to prepare yourself to either stay up late or become an early riser, because we could be in for a pretty awesome spectacle.

The Orionid meteor shower is taking place between tonight and Sunday, but the peak time to watch is between midnight and dawn on Friday or Saturday evening. These meteors are actually leftover debris from Halley’s Comet, which is visible from Earth once every 75 years.

Bill Ingalls/NASA
Bill Ingalls/NASA

NASA says the shower is visible from anywhere on Earth, but the best place to watch will be in rural areas. Just make sure to keep your eyes near Orion’s club, because you could see up to 10 to 15 meteors an hour. So basically, a darker sky ensures maximum awesomeness. One source you may want to check out is Dark Site Finder, which can help you locate the nearest dark sky in the area. Or you can just head out to the country tonight. Your call!

Either way, this looks like an outdoor event you don't want to miss. If you plan on watching, feel free to take some pics and send ‘em our way!

Source: TIME

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