Amazon To Hire Thousands For Seasonal Help
I find this amazing, no pun intended. Amazon has announced that it plans to hire temporary workers for the holiday season this year to the tune of 120,000 people!
That's a lot of folks who will benefit from Amazon's hiring. The temps will work in Amazon's fulfillment centers packing and shipping orders. Apparently last year many of the temps were hired on in a permanent position, and Amazon states that is a good possibility again this year. If you're interested, find out more information here.
Reading the article started me thinking about temporary jobs I have had. When I was 15 years old, my dad very emphatically told me that I wasn't going to sit around all summer long, that it was time to get a summer job. That was my first taste of the "real world", working in a hotel laundry washing disgusting bed linens and towels.
My only other "temporary" job was that of a dishwasher at B&B Bowl in Preston. I was having breakfast there and the business owner, Bill, asked me if I could wash dishes that morning because an employee called in sick. I said, sure, I had nothing else to do. I've been employed there now for 14 years!
What temporary seasonal jobs have you had?