B&B Bowl Welcomes Back Junior Bowlers
Someone once said, build it and they will come. Saturday that statement proved to be true. For the first time in a year, the Saturday Morning Junior League met at B&B Bowl in Preston - the NEW B&B. As the youth bowing coordinator, I watched with amazement as the kids and parents filed in. First two. Then four more. Then three more. They kept coming and coming! Before the fire, our league had about ten bowlers. Today, we had 22..count 'em..22 young bowlers show up! How wonderful to see all their happy little faces! Many of these kids have only bowled previously at a birthday party or on a Sunday afternoon with their parents. Today was their first "league experience". We had a few bumps trying to figure out the new computer system. After a short delay, they were off and rolling! There is nothing so rewarding as seeing a young bowler knock down those pins and watching the reaction on their face. I want to extend a huge thank you to my coaches, Pete Bissen, Paul Cousineau, Paul Hanson and Eric Wilder. Without their help, I could not do my job. We made it through week one! Next week will be smoother parents, I promise! Let the good times roll! All photos Stephanie Landswerk and Ilene Edwards.