Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office To Host Seminar On Scams
The Fillmore County Sheriff's Office is inviting the public to attend a seminar on common scams that could take place right here in our listening area.
The Fillmore County Sherrif's Office will be on hand to inform the community of common scams and the types of scams that have been experienced in Fillmore County. Some examples include IRS scams, elder scams and online scams.
The Sheriff's Office says the seminar will last about one hour and will have a question and answer sessions.
Those that are interested in the seminar can join in on Wednesday, March 6th at 7 pm at the Lanesboro Community Center.
Rochester Public Utilities just warned their members of another scam taking place in the Rochester area. Joining the Fillmore County Sheriff's Office is a great opportunity to get the latest information on how people may be trying to scam you.