This is definitely the best story I read all week and it's exactly the sort of thing my group of friends would do to one another. In my group of friends, we'll relentlessly harass each other over just about anything but the main thing is fantasy football. For example, whoever wins our league not only wins the most cash, but they also get to re-name the last place team for the next season. Needless to say, it's never a name that the team's owner is proud of, or can even say in public.

This year, we bought a pillowcase, featuring a shirtless Nicolas Cage, that gets mailed to the last place team who must then take a picture with it and use it in their home until the end of the next season when they get to mail it to the new last place team. Did I mention Nicholas Cage is also in a banana? I'll show you in a bit.

Anyway, when I saw this story about a group of friends, led by David Vee, that live near Brainerd, Minnesota, I related to it right away and thought it was fantastic. This group often goes fishing and they take one big trip every year. Everyone seems to have some degree of success. Everyone, that is, but Troy.

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According to a story from, Troy will often go an entire outing without catching a single fish. With a group of friends known to smack talk one another, a curse such as this must embraced, celebrated and advertised.

Vee decided to drop $300 to buy an electronic billboard along Minnesota's Highway 371 in Brainerd, at mile marker 36 to be exact, to celebrate Troy's notorious lack of success. The billboard features Troy's picture and reads "This is Troy. He sucks at fishing. Talk smack to him at"

Photo; CBS / WCCO-TV Report/Facebook
Photo; CBS / WCCO-TV Report/Facebook

Once that hit, the emails to that address began pouring in and while many continued to smack talk Troy, others offered advice and even fishing lessons. How great is that?

Photo; WCCO-TV Report/Facebook
Photo; WCCO-TV Report/Facebook

If anyone feels bad for Troy, there is no need as he's taking it all in stride. He even drove to the billboard to pose for a picture with it, which was shared on a WCCO-TV report on these hijinks.

Something tells me we haven't heard the last from this group of friends. Buying a billboard to smack talk really brings things to a new level, one that definitely deserves retaliation. I can't wait to see Troy's next move as I bet it'll be something amazing.

That leads me back to my group of friends and our fantasy football league traditions. Remember how I was telling you about the Nicholas Cage pillowcase? I suppose I should show it to you and tell you how to get one of your own.

First off, it's amazing how many very odd things you can find by searching Nicholas Cage on Amazon. However, the pillowcase I found was, in my opinion, the best of the bunch.

My friend Ed with our amazing fantasy football last place prize.
My friend Ed with our amazing fantasy football last place prize.

I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was so funny that I bought a second one to have in the guest room at our cabin. It's always funny to hear their first reaction when a guest walks into their room and sees it for the first time. You can find this bad boy on Amazon along with many other bizarre and funny things.

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