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Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Is Rochester ready for a logo that can be used in its “branding” efforts?

alternate Rochester logo


Residents may find out Monday when the City Council takes up an administration recommendation to “Adopt the new City brand, which includes a new logo mark and brand family.”

meaning of new Rochester logo


If approved, staff will begin implementing the new brand and get rid of existing city logos and those used by various departments.

old Rochester dept. logos

City officials have been working all year on the new branding plan with a goal "of a complete branding of the City of Rochester, as an organization, to support the "one team" concept of a cohesive and unified organization.”

City officials hired Mercury Creative Group to assist in the project.

How much work went into the project?
- 35 member branding team with representation from all City departments
- 735 total session hours
- 355 teammates who responded to 4 branding surveys


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