See: New Girl Scout Cookie – To Be Available In Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa
Get ready for a NEW Girl Scout Cookie, the Raspberry Rally, and a whole new exclusive way to buy it here in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and across the nation!
When Will the New Girl Scout Cookie Go On Sale?
The Raspberry Rally goes on sale early in 2023, and is being called the "sister" to the always amazing, never defeated in competition, champ-eeee-onnnn THIN MINTS (IMHO)!
In a press release, the Girl Scouts said the cookie is "infused with raspberry flavor instead of mint and dipped in the same delicious chocolaty coating." And, for the first time, Girl Scouts will NOT be selling them.
I Can't Get Rasperry Rally from Local Girl Scouts?
Nope. Again, from the Girl Scouts -
This...new cookie will be the first in the Girl Scout Cookie lineup to be exclusively offered for online sale and direct shipment only, enhancing girls’ e-commerce sales and entrepreneurial skills."
Girl Scout Cookie season is recognized nationally from January through April.

Ready for a trip down memory lane? Let's see what our moms, dads, grandma, and grandpas used to pay for Girl Scout Cookies.
How much a box of Girl Scout cookies cots throughout the years
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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