One of the Unhealthiest Chain Restaurant Foods is Served in Rochester
Well this is depressing.
Not because it made the list, but more because I'll never try it. I mean, who orders a BURGER at Buffalo Wild Wings?! You people are weird. That's like going straight for the pizza at a Chinese buffet.
Every year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest gives out its "Xtreme Eating Awards" to the LEAST HEALTHY things chain restaurants are serving up around the country, and this year Bdubs' Cheese Curd Bacon Burger with fries made the list, coming in at only 1,950 calories!
Here's what they had to say about it:
Battered, deep-fried cheese curds are a delicacy in Wisconsin. But we doubt that anyone has piled them on a burger, tossed on cheese and two bacon strips, and drenched the whole mess with a mayo-rich “cool heat sauce.” That is, not until Buffalo Wild Wings started serving its Cheese Curd Bacon Burger.
I've had Cheese Curd Burgers before, so I have no doubt it's delicious. In fact, I just ate one in Mankato this past weekend when I visited Tav on the Ave after Vikings Training Camp called The Morning After burger (see below) and it was awesome!
In any case, it's really hard for me to look past the wing menu when I'm parked inside a BWW's... BUT, if someone were to buy one of these monsters for me, I wouldn't say no! I'm not scared.