Ridiculous Excuses For Speeding Given To Rochester Area State Troopers
Speeding has been an issue across the entire State of Minnesota this summer, and the Minnesota State Patrol, the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety, and many other state and local agencies are doing what they can to help slow it down.

Yet, state troopers in the Rochester area have still seen several vehicles traveling at high rates of speeds, and even when speeding vehicles are pulled over by a state trooper, they are giving out the worst excuses ever.
Horrible Excuses For Speeding Given To Rochester Area State Troopers
This past Friday, The Minnesota State Patrol shared a list of some horrible excuses that Rochester district state troopers received.
"Speedometer is broken"
Ahhh yeah, because you can't tell you are traveling faster than every other car on the road?? Okay, then.
"Dog just pooped in the backseat."
This is valid, but you'd think the trooper would sniff this one out if it was true, right?! This one probably just made the trooper laugh out loud while writing a ticket.
"Sneezed and stepped on the gas too hard"
Yeah because everyone's instant reaction is to slam on the gas for an extended period of time once they sneeze
"My car is too fast."
This one just has one, easy solution....keep your foot off the gas.
Extra speed patrols are on Minnesota roadways throughout the summer, slow down, pay attention, and drive safe.
Minnesota State Patrol Needs Your Help To Claim Title of "Best Looking Cruiser"
The Minnesota State Patrol needs your votes to help them win the 2021 Best Looking Crusier contest with several other state patrols across the country! Vote here and take a look at all of the competitions below!