Illegal Fireworks Complaint Made July 4th at Rochester Shopping Center
Rochester - What Do You Think About the Crossroads Fireworks Display?
To the old Karen that yelled at us for lighting fireworks at Chick-fil-A, I hope you had an amazing 4th by trying to ruin ours.
A post about a private firework display in Rochester, Minnesota's Chick-Fil-A parking lot on Spotted In Rochester has people divided, and I'm curious what you think. I'm not writing this story to say it's good or bad, I'm genuinely curious about how the community feels.
Here's the post in question -
To the old Karen that yelled at us for lighting fireworks at Chick-fil-A, I hope you had an amazing 4th by trying to ruin ours. You got in our faces with your phone while we were lighting our hard earned fireworks with friends for the people waiting for the main event to start.
We spent over 1,000$+ combined to have a show for the people waiting with their little ones in the parking lot and you decided that you wanted to come get in our faces threatening to call the police.
Well to let you know the truth, towards the end a cop came by while we were lighting our fireworks after the main event was over and everyone was already gone, he came by just to tell us to be safe and have a good Fourth of July.
i dont know what got you more upset, the group of people who were cheering us on or us not listening to you in the first place but I hope you had a good Fourth of July. Xoxo
According to both state and local laws/regulations, what the person reportedly did was against the law.
Minnesota and Rochester Fireworks Regulations
Did This Thing Even Happen at the Chicken Place's Parking Lot?
Before I could write this up, I had to check if the Rochester police were involved. It's a quick way to see if there's any concrete evidence something happened. I asked the Crime Prevention & Communications Coordinator at the Rochester Police Department, Amanda Grayson, and here's what she found out for me.
On July 4 at 10:54 pm, Dispatch received a report of juveniles shooting off fireworks in the Chic-fil-A parking lot. Call notes indicate an officer responded about seven minutes later and saw vehicles leaving the area and did not observe fireworks.
So, there was a call to the Rochester Police about fireworks in that specific location. In the Facebook post, the author claims law enforcement was on the scene the entire time.
Does the Rochester Police Department Even Bother With Fireworks Calls?
Yes, as evidenced by the story above. Amanda Grayson also passed along this tidbit -
Dispatch received more than 100 fireworks calls between July 2-July 5. RPD responded to 626 priority 1 calls (most emergent calls for service) over the same period.
Important things happen, but obviously, even on the 4th of July, fireworks are not the most important thing happening.
What Do You Think?
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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