Rochester Public Schools Will Continue Hybrid and Distance Learning

Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - A rising number of COVID-19 cases has prompted the Rochester School District to continue using the instructional models implemented at the beginning of the school year.
Superintendent Michael Munoz says the School District's COVID-19 Advisory Team met yesterday and recommended the continuation of the current models after being told by Olmsted County Public Health officials that the 14-day average for the number of cases per 10,000 residents of the county has doubled since early September. Munoz also noted there have been 86 confirmed COVID-19 cases involving Rochester School District students and staff since July and almost 70 of those infections have occurred since the start of the school year and have resulted in the quarantine of 200 students and staff.
Munoz says the use of hybrid learning for most elementary students and distance learning at the middle and high schools will continue through at least the end of November. He says the COVID-19 Advisory Team plans to meet on November 19th to review the latest data concerning the pandemic and consider changes to the instruction models.