Rochester’s Favorite Taco Place Closed Temporarily Due to Covid-19

We've seen the numbers of COVID-19 cases climbing in Olmsted County and unfortunately, some local businesses are being impacted and having to close. The latest on the list is Taco Jed, which was recently voted by our listeners as the number one spot in Rochester.
On Saturday, Taco Jed posted the following message on their Facebook page:
Hello JED Heads! This morning we received a call that a staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. While we have been following all precautions, for the safety of all we will be temporarily closing while we track down which of our staff members may have been exposed and need to quarantine. We are working closely with Public Health and are so thankful for your support in these tough times! More updates to come.
Sunday, November 8th, an update was provided letting the community know that they are hoping to reopen in some way this week but it really depends on staffing levels.
A huge thanks to everyone who has been expressing their support. Our staff member is doing well and we are working closely with Olmsted County Public Health to make sure any other employees who are at risk are able to quarantine. We are deep cleaning the restuarant and may be able to reopen in some capacity next week, depending on staffing levels.
Again, a huge thank you to our community, we wouldn't be here without you and we're so grateful for everyone's well wishes.
Wishing the best for the entire staff at Taco Jed. And, truly thankful for the transparency that this company provided to the community. In a time when life is frustrating and complicated due to COVID-19, you were open and honest with us in the community. My respect for you was already pretty high but just went up about 1,000%. Thank you for being a great example in our community.
Let me know what local businesses you admire and respect the most. Let me know by sending me a message on Instagram or on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams