Tony Webber Retiring From Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office
After twenty-seven years serving Fillmore County as a law enforcement officer, Chief Deputy Tony Webber is retiring. His last day will be Friday June 30.
My first job upon moving to Minnesota was as a secretary at Fillmore County Sheriffs Office. At the time I knew maybe ten folks in Preston. I figured what better way to meet quality people than working with law enforcement officers. Indeed, I met a lot of wonderful people during my employment. FCSO is where I met and became friends with several people. And of course, I met Tony Webber. Meeting him was intimidating to me. I soon learned that Tony is a gentle giant and an excellent officer. Tony may not have the same memories I do of our working relationship. I remember the kindness he showed when I had to undergo pretty serious surgery. I believe Tony may have been involved in the rescue of my missing penguin lawn ornament which was found in the waters by the Old Barn. I will never forget that one!
Tony, I believe I echo the sentiment of hundreds of others when I wish you a very happy retirement. You have certainly earned it! Thank you, Chief Deputy Tony Webber, for the many years you devoted to serving and protecting the people of Fillmore County. God bless you, Tony.
Photo used with the kind permission of Fillmore County Deputies Association.