Weather Closings and Delays For Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Wind Chill Warning is in effect into Thursday as Polar Vortex Jayden continues to bring record-setting and dangerous wind chills of 40 to 60 below throughout the region. Below are the school closings, delays and other cancellations across the Rochester and Southern Minnesota area for Thursday, January 31.
- Albert Lea Area Schools - 2 Hour Delay Thursday
- Austin Public Schools - Closed Thursday; will have all JV and Varsity activities are still on
- Byron Public Schools - Closed Thursday; Child Care Open; JV/Varsity activities on as scheduled. PK open 7-3
- Caledonia Public Schools - No classes Thursday; Teachers report at 10 am; elementary parent-teacher conferences held as scheduled; SACC open 6 am - 6 pm; athletic games and practices will be played.
- Cannon Falls Area Schools- Closed Thursday; Cannon Kids will be open.
- Charles City Community Schools - Closed Thursday.
- Chatfield Public Schools - Closed Thursday. Valleyland open. Evening activities will go on except 7th and 8th grade basketball.
- Dover Eyota Schools - Closed Thursday. Athletics will go on as scheduled.
- Fillmore Central Schools - Closed Thursday
- Glenville-Emmons Public Schools - Closed Thursday
- Goodhue Co. Education District-River Bluff - Closed Thursday; Thursday WILD Day
- Goodhue Public Schools - Closed Thursday
- Hayfield Community Schools - Closed Thursday; SACC will be open
- Head Start, Freeborn County - No Classes Thursday
- Head Start, Olmsted County - No Classes Thursday
- Houston Public Schools - Closed Thursday; evening activities go on as scheduled
- Kingdom Kids Pre-School, Rochester - Closed Thursday
- Kingsland Public Schools - Closed Thursday; child care open; evening activities will go on as scheduled. eLearning day.
- Lake City Public Schools - Closed Thursday
- Lanesboro Public Schools - Closed Thursday but evening activities will go on as scheduled.
- Lyle Public Schools - Closed Thursday.
- Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar Campus - Closed Thursday.
- NRHEG - Closed Thursday.
- Owatonna Public Schools - Closed Thursday
- Partners In Excellence, Winona - Closed Thursday
- Pine Island Public Schools - Closed Thursday; 9-12 activities will resume at 3:00 pm Thursday; Panther Pals will be open from 7-4.
- Plainview Elgin Millville Schools - Closed Thursday.
- Precious Pebbles Preschool, Rochester - Closed Thursday
- Rainbow Schools - Closed Thursday
- Red Wing Public Schools - Closed Thursday
- Riceville Community Schools - Closed Thursday
- Rochester Beacon Academy - Closed Thursday; WILD Day
- Rochester Catholic Schools - Closed Thursday; all school mass canceled; Boys BB JV/V game on; family fun night at St. Pius still on.
- Rochester Center for Autism - Closed Thursday
- Rochester Math and Science Academy - Closed Thursday
- Rochester Public Schools - Closed Thursday
- School Age Child Care will be open from 8:30 AM – 4 PM at Northrop Education Center.
- All Community Education/PAIIR and Preschool daytime classes for early childhood, youth, adults, and adults with exceptional abilities are canceled.
- Evening Adult Community Education classes (classes that occur after 5 PM) will take place as scheduled.
- Hawthorne Education Center will be closed for the day and evening.
- All community building rentals from 5 PM or later will still take place.
- All Professional Growth Academy classes are canceled.
- After school athletics will occur on a limited basis. This means all games/matches for RPS teams that are scheduled to occur within the city of Rochester will still take place. Regarding athletics scheduled to take place outside of Rochester, this decision has not yet been made. We will communicate this information as soon as we are able.
- RPS Staff – please refer to your contract/work agreement on reporting status for tomorrow. Contact your supervisor with questions.
- Rosa Parks Charter High School, Rochester - Closed Thursday
- St. Ansgar Community Schools - Closed Thursday
- Saint Mary's University of Minnesota - Closed until noon Thursday
- Southland Public Schools - Closed Thursday; no activities after school
- St. John's Lutheran School, Wycoff - Closed Thursday
- St. John's Wee Care, Stewartville - Closed Thursday
- Stewartville Public Schools - Closed Thursday; evening activities go on as scheduled including wrestling and 5th grade and high school band concerts.
- Winona Area Public Schools - Closed Thursday, Key Kids Care available for registered families from 9am - 5:30pm; events scheduled at the high school will go on as scheduled after 3pm.
- Zumbrota-Mazeppa Public Schools - Closed Thursday
Other Organizations:
- Church of the Ressurection Catholic Church, Rochester - Perpetual Adoration closed Wednesday at 6 pm reopening Thursday at 9 am.
- Mayo Clinic Volunteer Programs - No volunteering on the Mayo Clinic - Rochester campus Thursday.; Includes Mayo Clinic campus, Methodist campus and Saint Marys campus.; Hospital gift shops will be closed.
- Mayo Employees Federal Credit Union - Opening all locations at 10 am Thursday
- Minnesota Children's Museum Rochester - Open Thursday at 11 am - 5 pm
- Plainview Community Center - Closed Thursday
- PossAbilities, Rochester - Closed Thursday; All employees are expected to come to work; contact your supervisor for report times.
- Quality Pork Processors, Austin - Wednesday Operations closed, Thursday 1-31-19 Late Start-Fabrication (Cold Side) 8 AM Start-Processing (Hot Side) 9 AM Start-2nd Shift Normal Start Time.
- Social Security Offices in Austin, Rochester, and Winona will open at 10 AM.
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