Maybe It’s Time to Try Clothing-Optional Gardening
Did you know that this Saturday is World Naked Gardening Day? It happens every first Saturday of May each year. According to their website, wngd.org, "find an opportunity to get naked and do some gardening. Do so alone, with friends, with family, with your gardening club, or with any other group collected for that purpose. Do it inside your house, in your back yard, on a hiking trail, at a city park, or on the streets. Stay private or go public. Make it a quiet time or make it a public splash. Just get naked and make your part of the botanical world a healthier and more attractive place." The idea is to get dirty without feeling dirty and get a little sunshine in places that don't normally see the sun, all while you're getting some much-needed gardening done and reconnecting with nature in a way you haven't before.
Mark Storey, consulting editor for Nude & Natural magazine, along with permaculturalist Jacob Gabriel came up with this day after being inspired by World Naked Bike Ride events. The difference is this event can be done in a secluded, individual basis instead of a large group setting if a person chooses to do so.
This Saturday's weather looks like it's going to cooperate, with sunny skies and a high of about 63 degrees, which could be a bit nippy if you're outside doing some nude gardening. That might make it a quick celebration of the day; just don't forget your hoe.