It took a while, but cannabis did finally become legal in the state of Minnesota. Federally, not so much.  But here we are.  Now, we wait for it to be legally sold, which is opening a whole other can of worms.  There are things to consider - taxes being one of them.  Strength, can you open a new dispensary?  How are we to regulate it? CBD, THC, and any variance of those things.  And, who owns it?  Private? City owned? Where are the proceeds going, and how much of the proceeds need to benefit other things in the community?  If any?

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From CBS News:

One of the biggest questions facing the city is where to house the cannabis store, according to a City Council agenda document. One of the options includes adding space into a new City Hall and Public Safety building, with the dispensary located in the same building as the city's police department.

The committee says there are pros and cons to this location. On one hand, it's a safer environment for transactions to take place, but the committee says there may be a "stigma" about purchasing cannabis next to police — even if it's legal.

Any time you put this kind of a business somewhere in a community, there will be some residents that will be opposed to the idea.  Not everyone is on board with legal cannabis.  But if this does go through, then it may lead to others in the state being allowed to further their businesses.

The city does state that wherever a municipal dispensary does wind up, secuity and surveillance will be on the top of the list to make sure everything and everyone is safe.

It's a new day, for sure.

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