Man Buys $6 Million Super Bowl Ad to Thank Wisconsin Vets Who Saved His Dog
If you are an animal lover, this story might pull at your heartstrings. Many of us consider our pets to be part of the family. If they get sick, we do whatever we can to save their lives. I've had two dogs in my life that my parents had to fight hard to keep them around! For that, they were forever grateful. One dog will forever be grateful for some amazing folks in Wisconsin.
Scout's owner David MacNeil did everything in his power to keep Scout alive. MacNeil is the founder and CEO of WeatherTech, which is a company that specializes in vehicle floormats. According to CBS News, Scout was diagnosed with rare cancer called hemangiosarcoma. It is a cancer of the blood vessel walls and animals that are diagnosed with it only have about a one percent chance of living. MacNeil took Scout to the University of Wisconsin Veterinarians and he immediately underwent treatment and is doing well.
The article says to thank all of the folks that did everything they could to keep Scout alive, MacNeil is doing something special for them at this year's Super Bowl. He paid $6 million dollars for a 30-second commercial that will play during the second quarter. The commercial is called "Lucky Dog," and will hopefully help raise money for the University of Wisconsin Veterinarians Program so they can get new equipment and continue research. You can see this year's commercial on the Weather Tech Instagram page.
This isn't Scout's first time being in a commercial. Last year he was featured in the WeatherTech commercial during the Super Bowl. Hopefully, WeatherTech can raise a lot of money so the University of Wisconsin's Veterinary Program can save more animal's lives.