We Now Know What’s Being Built Along Highway-52 in Rochester

If you've noticed another big building under construction along Highway-52 north in northwest Rochester, we now know what's being built on that site.
The stretch of Highway-52 (U.S. Highway 52, if you're being all technical about it) in northwest Rochester between Highway-14 and 19th Street Northwest is usually pretty busy, and I use it several times a week. It's one of the most well-traveled roads in southeast Minnesota, right?
And for the past several weeks, I've noticed a large building being constructed on the west side of the road (on your right if you're heading south on Highway-52) and wondered what it was. Have you seen it? It's located between John Hardy's Bar-B-Q North to the south and Bowman's Door Solutions on the north.
Well, I now I know what's going in at that spot... and you do, too. I drove by the construction site earlier this week and saw that the sign said what's under construction now will be the new location for Rochester furniture store, QW Furniture, later this spring.
Initially, I was a little confused... because QW Furniture already HAS a location on that same frontage road, just off Highway-52, but a little farther north (between Star Auto Sales and Fury Motors.)
But according to a Post Bulletin story from last July, the new QW Furniture will be a 34,000 square foot facility, which will more than triple the amount of space at their current location nearby. The story also noted the new space will allow QW Furniture to expand its selection of upholstered and outdoor furniture, as well as increase its mattress inventory.
So now you know what's going on. But how well do you know your other Rochester landmarks? Keep scrolling to see how many you can pick out... from above!
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